The collaborative Advanced Design Project is an interdisciplinary students’ joint program, which takes place every winter semester since 2003 in collaboration with the Hochschule Darmstadt. Several teams consisting of three engineering students, a work and engineering psychology student and an industrial design student develop different products, beginning with the initial idea up until the actual prototype, whilst using various different methods, tools and processes in perspective to their individual discipline.

Problem definition

The problem definition is formulated openly and the topic changes from year to year. Thus, the students are free to come up with creative approaches as early as the product conception idea. The didactic principle of minimal help pertains throughout the whole project. To give the project structure, four milestones must be reached in consultation with the assistant.

As part of a three day seminar in the beginning of the project, the students are introduced to the topic and to the methods of the different fields, which are to be used in the later stages. During the following course of the project the students independently set a coordinated project schedule containing the forthcoming work and designated specialist roles. The students undergo all phases throughout the product development independently.


The cADP has, in the last couple of years, put itself in the foreground, through it’s strong reference to current research topics. As part of cADP evaluations, different theses from psychology students were mentored. A range of insights concerning the cooperation in interdisciplinary teams were released in several scientific publications or as a basis for dissertations. If there is further interest concerning these works, please see the following publications.